HOA Annual Meeting
As required by the governing documents of Creekside Place Community Association, Inc., an Annual Meeting of the members will be held on Thursday, March 11th, 2021 at 7:00pm on Zoom.
You can join the meeting from PC, Mac, or Apple/Android at:
Meeting ID: 828 4183 8319
Passcode: 978592
*** Everyone will be muted until the Q&A session. If you have questions, please add to the chat session, and will have a 2-minute time limit to speak and address the questions you have.
The meeting will be held for the following purposes:
- To elect 5 Board Members.
- To transact any other properly presented business.
2021 Annual Meeting Agenda
February 11,2021
- Call to Order – 6:00pm
- Approval of Minutes for Last Meeting
- Financial Report – Treasurer
- New Business:
- Bids on Retention Pond – Treasure
- Decorating & Events – Vice President
- Future submissions for ideas on concrete Park –President
- Voting on the following
- Phase 1 of Back property ditch – Vice President
- Security Cameras in community – Treasurer
- CenterPoint Lights to be installed in neighborhood – Secretary
- Volunteers to sign up for trash and Pet stations trash removal – Secretary
- Question & Answer Period
- Election of Board Member(s) – President
- Adjournment
The meeting will begin promptly at 6:00pm.
The deadline to submit the attached ballot is 4 pm February 10, 2021. Please e-mail or mail in the ballot to ensure your vote is counted, voting during the meeting will not be possible due to the meeting being held virtually.
Immediately following the Annual Meeting, we will have a CLOSED Board Meeting for the Board Members to appoint officers. We look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email CreeksideplaceHoa1@gmail.com.